The St. Dominic’s Fair in Gdańsk is in full swing.
The tradition of St. Dominic’s Fair dates back to 1260 and has been held annually for several centuries, becoming a significant feast for the city. The practice was interrupted only by World War II, but the Fair returned in 1972. In 2023, the St. Dominic’s Fair will celebrate its 763rd anniversary, taking place from Saturday, July 22nd to Sunday, August 13th.
Today, the Fair’s official opening is announced by a specially written bugle call, with one note added every year, reflecting the Fair’s age. This year, it will have 763 notes. During this historical spectacle, the President of the City presents merchants with the key to Gdańsk’s gates.

Spanning over 20 days, visitors can participate in numerous accompanying events and activities. With more than 1,000 stalls, shopping remains the main theme of this traditional street fair. It is one of the most significant and popular summer events in Gdańsk and the largest open-air, commercial, and cultural affair in Poland and Europe. The streets are alive with musicians, mimes, and street artists, while shopkeepers display their often unusual, rare, and unique wares. Food stalls boast a grand variety of produce, including pastries, cheeses, sausages, spices, coffee, tea, preserves, and tinctures. The Fair also features musical concerts, cultural performances, art displays, and a tall ship rally, providing even more entertainment for attendees.