Ujscie Warty National Park
Open meadows overgrown with alder and crisscrossed by a dense network of canals and old riverbeds are characteristic of the park landscape. The River Warta flows right through the park’s center.
Unique wetlands, vast meadows and pastures create a perfect habitat for aquatic bird species. There are 248 species of birds in the Warta River Mouth National Park; 160 species have chosen the park’s territory for breeding purposes.

Twenty-six species are rare or protected and include the corncrake, the aquatic warbler, the black-tailed godwit, the crane, the bittern, and the white-tailed eagle. There are also quite sizeable populations of grebes, ducks, rails, gulls, and terns. For many of them the park is their nesting ground in Poland. It is also an important wintering area for whooper and mute swans, ducks, geese and white-tailed eagles.
The park is under the protection of the RAMSAR International Convention.