Ancient settlement in Biskupin
The ancient settlement in Biskupin is the largest archaeological reserve in Central Europe.
The settlement was discovered by chance in 1933, and the excavations began before the outbreak of World War II.
The first traces of settlements in the area date back to the Palaeolithic, 10,000 B.C.
The fortified town, on the other hand, dates back to the beginning of the Iron Age (approx. 738 B.C.), and it was inhabited by the ancestors of Slavs associated with lusatian culture.
The settlement was located on the island on the Biskupin Lake, which, as a result of lowering the water table, was transformed into a peninsula. The settlement was inhabited by approximately 600-800 people, who were mainly occupied with farming, animal breeding, and craft.
The settlement in Biskupin has been acknowledged as a historical monument of Poland.