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Kayak Trail on the River Dunajec

One of the most beautiful kayak trails in Europe which stretches for about 202km.  Many significant cultural and natural sights can be found along the trail.

The River Dunajec, a tributary of the River Vistula, flows through mountainous terrain. It is about 247km long, arising from the combination of the White and Black Dunajec which have their origins in the Tatra National Park. Apart from the main river also its tributaries, the River Bialka Tatrzanska and the River Poprad, are also popular with kayakers. The Kayak Trail on the Dunajec River is about 202km long starting in Nowy Targ and ending in Ujscie Jezuickie. Six to nine days are required to complete the entire trail. The most interesting sections for kayakers are the following: in the Pieniny Mountains, between Sromowce Wyzne and Szczawnica, between Klodne and Lasko and the whole Roznowskie Lake. Along the entire trail there are several interesting cultural and natural sites. Certain sections of the trail are difficult to negotiate due to the speed of the current, the depth of the water and the large amounts of rocks on the riverbed. The trail along the Dunajec River is one of the most beautiful in Poland and known throughout Europe. The beauty of the surrounding landscape, the varied nature of the river, easy access (except in the Pieniny Mountains), a large number of cultural and natural sites as well as the clean air and water are the reasons that the Dunajec River is host to several hundred thousand visitors each year on the section between Katy and Szczawnica in river rafts as well as many kayakers. www.atrakcje-turystyczne-w-pieninach.com

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Kęty 14
34-443 Sromowce Wyżne
провинция: MAŁOPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 49.406028,20.339444
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Польская Туристическая Организация
123001 Москва
ул. Трехпрудный пер.9, стр.2, офис 202
tel. +7 (495) 668-87-22