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Church of St Nicolaus

The Temple of a defensive character.

Old orthodox Greek-Ruthenian and Bazilian Church, built between 1618 -1631 was designed by Jan Jaroszewicz and Jan Wolff, who was the author of decoration. Due to location next to the fortifications, the temple had a defensive character. In the period 1690-1698 a tower was added of the height of 38 metres, topped with a late Baroque dome. The picturesque building of a former Church combines elements characteristic for Moldovan Orthodox Church with the elements of Latin architecture. At a massive four-sided dome with a decorative lantern there is a small square nave extended with the semicircular apses. The vaults are decorated with rich stucco decoration. In the porch there is a preserved late renaissance arcade portal with rosettes.

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провинция: LUBELSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.7231,23.252
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