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Albrecht Homestead Museum in Swolowo

A charming complex of village buildings from the late 19th and early 20th centuries which still to this day demonstrate the workings of a farm.

Swolowo is an example of characteristic rural buildings in the region with the name “Land of the Lattice”. Here it is worth visiting the Albrecht Homestead Museum which is a branch of the Central Pomeranian Museum in Slupsk. Taken over by the museum in 2002 the buildings forming Enclosure No.8 in Swolowo are an example of a typical four-sided farm of a wealthy peasant which was common in Pomerania in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The Albrecht Homestead is not a typical museum. Visitors can take part in the work by looking after the farm animals, see weavers and potters at work and view a film on the Working Farm. Folklore and cultural events are also held here. In the farmhouse there is a museum exhibition about the life of a wealthy Pomeranian peasant from the beginning of the 20th century. The cowshed has a shop selling local handicrafts and a workshop made available for local craftsmen.

The barn houses the machinery, tools and equipment required for working on the farm. On the Homestead is also a restaurant called the Merry Pomeranian which serves old traditional regional dishes.

Albrecht Homestead Museum in Swolowo (woj. Pomorskie)


localization-imgСхема проезда:

провинция: POMORSKIE
Широта и долгота: 54.4774333,16.8394502
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