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Basilica of the Holy Spirit


Тип блока:

In 1430, the Miechowic priests began construction of a new Church. The new temple was built for 1470, and three years later it was consecrated and given the invocation to the Holy Spirit.

The Church, located in the courtyard known as the "graveyard", was half surrounded by walls, tower and monastic buildings. The main gate is shaped as a chapel, on which there was a formerly located clock. The three towers, including the main and two side towers, at the top there are symbols of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre - double-crosses his arms. An extension of the Church's 40-foot-tall massive tower is located at the entrance to the Church, as well as family crest of Tarnowski family – Leliwa- appears

The most important place in the Church and one of its most valuable sacral masterpieces of the main altar, made in 1693

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Kościelna street 7
37-200 Przeworsk
Широта и долгота: 50.0587,22.4938
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