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Budynek dawnej Synagogi

The synagogue was built between 1825-1829 on the site of the old synagogue. In the years 1878-1883  it was renovated  (added an oriental decoration of facades, columns, it was also built two-story room).

In 1818, the old wooden synagogue was in danger of collapsing, that is why it was decision to make it as a masonary construction. It was finished in1844, but in the years 1878-1883 the synagogue was renovated (given the characteristics of oriental style).

The synagogue was devastated and destroyed during World War II. The building was renovated in the years 1984 - 1988. Currently, the building belongs to the Jewish community.

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62-500 Konin
Широта и долгота: 52.2103,18.249
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