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Cast iron hanging bridge over the Mała Panew in Ozimek


Тип блока:

Bridge built in 1827 in Małapanew ironworks in Ozimek; it was the first iron suspension bridge in Europe.

Dimensions: 30 m long and 6 m wide. Its construction used 14 t of forged iron and more than 53 t of iron castings. Currently, it is behind the gate to Małapanew ironworks. The plant has been active for 250 years, and therefore unfettered access to the area is prohibited. Bridge can be seen from outside the fence (located approximately 30 metres from the gate). Groups of few tourist may visit the facility upon appointment (tel. +48 77 40 18 524). After an extensive renovation in September 2010, it was re-opened and put to use.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

провинция: OPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.6765022278,18.2124996185
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