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Castle in Rogów Opolski



Кол-во мест: 9
Количество комнат: 5
Квартиры: 1

The Authorities of Public Library of Emanuel Smołka in Opole Province invite to visit a beautiful castle in Rogów Opolski.
The castle in Rogów Opolski built in 1600, many times redeveloped. From the second half of XVIII century owned by the family Haugwitz. Enlarged with a north flank in the first half of XIX century. Late-renaissance with a classicism flank. Situated on an escarp of old river-bed of Odra. Currently, there is a branch of Province Public Library of Emmanuel Smołka in Opole. There are special collections such as precious collection of old print beginning since 1488, to the most precious print belong: the letter of lord George Byron to the owner of castle in Rogów, the oldest printed book from 1486, monumental maps of Silesia from 1561, 1645 and 1736, ennoblement acts, urbarium (lat.), etc. Next to the castle , there is a vast park with old trees of vernacular orgin and foreign ones. You can observe there huge trees with their 4meter girth. What is more, there are numerous plants that are protected, these are: Common Ivy, Common Yew, Yellow Azalea.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Parkowa street 38
47-300 Rogów Opolski
провинция: OPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.520932,17.943637
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