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Church of All Saints


Тип блока:

Original parish Church was built in Wrocanka was before 1487.

The Church is oriented, built in log construction, with brick 17th-century vesrty adjacent to the chancel. The main body was extended with two porches and a chapel.

Heavily damaged during World Wars I and II; it was to be demolished. Through the efforts of the rector and Church parishioners, in the 1960s it was completely renovated; a substantial part of the original components was reconstructed. Inside the Church, in the treasury over the vesrty, there is a preserved beam ceiling with secondary fragment of the rood beam with the date 1770 and the name of its founder, father Boczarski and with seven boards with fragments of polychrome of the 16th/17th centuries. Interior, mainly Baroque, comes from the second half of the 18th century.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Długa 6
38-430 Wrocanka
Широта и долгота: 49.6345582,21.7453986
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Польская Туристическая Организация
123001 Москва
ул. Трехпрудный пер.9, стр.2, офис 202
tel. +7 (495) 668-87-22