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Church of Birth of the Virgin


Тип блока:

Church of Birth of the Virgin existed already in 1376. Some sources say that the Church was built as early as in 1236 at the expense of the St. Matthiae monastery in Wrocław.

Today's wooden Church was rebuilt in 1662 (it is confirmed by the date appearing on the beam in the vesrty) completely out of wood. Wood was donated by the same monastery that built the previous Church, the municipality provided carts and workforce. The cost of this construction and carpenters’ fees were probably covered by the parish and the residents. The Church served as the affiliated Church until 1905, when the parish was established. Currently used as a funeral Church. Timbered wooden Church with a tower of post and beam construction on the foundation. Inside there are the main altar, the pulpit with a sculpture of Christ on the canopy, organ from the end of the 18th century and the baptismal font from the first half of the 18th century in the shape of a cornucopia sustained by an angel.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Chocianowice street 91
46-282 Chocianowice
провинция: OPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.9393615723,18.278421402
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