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Church of Holy Trinity


Тип блока:

Parish Church of Holy Trinity. Date of the first location of the temple is unknown. The first preserved mention refers to the construction of the Church at the beginning of the 16th century, "on the site of the previous one".

In 1570-1660, it was a parish Church for Catholics in Parzymiechy because the local Church turned into a Calvinist Church. In the following centuries it underwent subsequent modifications and chapels were added. Oriented, wooden, log construction with front tower of post and beam and framework construction. Covered with a gabled roof common to the whole body of the Church, covered with shingles. Formwork external walls, tower covered with hip roof with a lantern and a steeple turret located on the "rainbow", topped with a pyramidal dome. Inside - the main Baroque altar of the 17th century.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Jaworzno 110
46-325 Jaworzno
провинция: OPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 51.0282249451,18.6444854736
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