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Church of St. Brice


Тип блока:

The Church belongs to the parish of the Assumption in Gościęcino.

The Church was built in 1661 and renovated in 1880, on the site of the wooden chapel from 1594, also bearing the name of St. Brice. The founders were Martha and Martin Wolff - master of liberal arts and philosophy, the owner of the free villages in Gościęcino. It is located outside the village, on a small hill. In the neighbourhood there is a spring (well of St. Brice), which is credited with medicinal properties, and the former hermitage (prior to 1870), now converted into a hostel, and two chapels - Neo-Romanesque of 1870 and dedicated to those who died in the Great War of 1916.

Features of the main altar (the image of Madonna and Child) and statues of saints date from the 17th century, like the Baroque marble ledger. The side altar holds a painting of St. Brice from 1896 by Jan Bartel. The painting of Jesus' baptism in the Jordan is from the same year. The choir is supported by four pillars.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

47-270 Gościęcin
провинция: OPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.2893791199,17.9745979309
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