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Church of St. Casimir


Тип блока:

The construction of the Church of St. Casimir began in 1737. Within that process the skeleton structure was used. The construction was filled with the bricks. The Church was boarded inside.

The presbytery is narrower, three-sides ended. Adjacent to it there is the vesrty with the advowson lodge on the first floor. Inside the Church there is an apparent cradle vault with narrow side naves separated by the wooden columns. On the vault of the main nave we can admire the eighteenth-century polychrome presenting the apotheosis of St. Casimir. On the vault of the presbytery the image of the Virgin Mary surrounded by angels can be seen. The choir area draws the attention - due to the bending of railings and the musical motifs in the polychrome murals. The altars and sculptures are kept in Baroque and Rococo style.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Pałacowa street 8
62-025 Gułtowy
Широта и долгота: 52.3511,17.331
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