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HomeТуристические достопримечательностиПамятникиChurch of St.Peter and St.Paul and Monastery of Brothers Hospitallers of St.John of God

Church of St.Peter and St.Paul and Monastery of Brothers Hospitallers of St.John of God


Тип блока:

The commune of Prudnik invite to visit a baroque Church of monastery.

The church was built in a baroque style. It is made of brick, stucco, with one nave. Under the presbytery, there are catacombs where are 16 billets with signed boards with the date of birth, death and vowing of the graved friar. Inside the church there is a characteristic high altar with couple of columns, where is situated a modern painting of Apostles St.Peter and St.Paul, and two side altars. On the right side of the church there is a pulpit with a bas-relief of merciful Samaritan. Above the entry ,there is a loft with organs. The church of St.Peter and St.Paul is a monastic church.  

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Piastowska street 8
48-200 Prudnik
провинция: OPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.3224,17.5731
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