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Czolpino Lighthouse


Тип блока:

Built from red brick, this lighthouse is located on top of a large dune.

It can be found between Leba and Rowy within the Slowinski National Park. It is located on a high dune, surrounded by a coniferous forest about 1000m away from the coast. Its characteristic is that it is situated far from population centres. It stands 25m tall on a dune which is 75m above sea level. It was decided in 1872 to build a lighthouse here and construction was completed in 1875. The optical system installed in the lighthouse consisted of a 1000w bulb and a cylindrical Fresnel lens with a diameter of 1.8m and height 2.75m made up of 43 concentric rings. The emitted light can be seen all around but it is magnified by a lens on the side facing the sea. The lighthouse building in Czolpino was built from red bricks in the shape of truncated cone. The height of the lighthouse is 25.2m and the tower at is base has a diameter of 7m. The lighthouse survived the war intact. It was renovated between 1993 and 1994 but remained closed to the public for a long time with access only to its operators. Only a few years ago visitors were allowed in again but the number is not vey large.

Czolpino Lighthouse (woj. Pomorskie)


localization-imgСхема проезда:

провинция: POMORSKIE
Широта и долгота: 54.7143087785214,17.2162628173828
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