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Defence wall in Torun


Тип блока:

The wall well kept today is only a poor substitute of defence system of Torun. It is well seen Vistula Side and is a characterisitic element of city panorama.

The Middle Ages defence wall of Torun long for about 4 kilometers was on average 1,2 metre thick and 6 metres high. Each of the organism of eternal Torun had its defence wall system together with the gates and the towers: Old Town, New Town and Teutonic Knights' Castle . One of the hypothesis tells that the Old Town was surrounded by a double wall: high wall and low wall with a moat before. The land built between the walls was called among-wall. On the high wall city side there was a guard's porch . The building of the wall was very characteristic: a brick face and the interior filled in with fieldstones joined by a calcium mortar. During many centuries the wall system kept his role but only the artillery development reduced its military function.

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Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA
87-100 Toruń
Широта и долгота: 53.0137902,18.5984437
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