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Defensive Walls and dungeons in Przeworsk


Тип блока:

In the Middle Ages Przeworsk performed defensive functions, because it had to defend against attacks of various nations e.g. Italians, Swedish people and Turkish People.

In the Middle Ages Przeworsk performed defensive functions, because it had to defend against attacks of various nations e.g. Italians, Swedish people and Turkish People. Nowadays we can admire the remnants of town’s fortifications near the parish church and the Monastery of Bernardines, and in the streets: Kazimierzowska , Kilińskiego , Tkacka , Słowackiego , Św. Jana . Building of the defensive walls began in 1512. Several years later the king Zygmunt issued a privilege which confirmed the fortification of Przeworsk. There were three gateways leading to the city and five watchtowers. Przeworsk has got also basements and dungeons . According to the legend, one of the dungeons leads from the town square to the Bernardines’ Monastery.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

37-200 Przeworsk
Широта и долгота: 50.0587,22.4938
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