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Evangelical church from 14th century in Lewin Brzeski


Тип блока:

In the church presbytery are tombstones from 16th and 17 century. The Town Hall invites to see the precious monuments of sacral art.

The church was built in 1312 and rebuilt about 1500. In 1534, it became a property of Protestants. After a fire in 1586, it was rebuilt and expanded. In 1660, the tower and the main nave were rebuilt. The tower was damaged by the lightening in 1761 and its rebuilding gave it a baroque "helmet" . During the World War II, church was partially destroyed. Now, the tower has got a"helmet" rebuilt in a gothic style. On the Southern wall, there is a sundial. There is a renaissance interior, there are preserved 2 renaissance altars, the stone one from the tower comes from XVIth century(now it is situated in the parochial church in Lewin Brzeski), and a main wooden altar from 1613.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Lewin Brzeski
49-340 Lewin Brzeski
провинция: OPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.7483,17.6188
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