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Former convent of the Order of St. Clare in Chęciny


The convent of the Order of St. Clare - the first Church of St. Mary Magdalene was founded by mayor of Chęciny in the mid-sixteenth century. A Bernardine nunnery was added to the Church. In the early 17th century, Kacper Fodyga built a two-story house nearby, which he passed in his will to the Order of St. Clare brought from Gniezno in 1643.

A Bernardine nunnery was added to the Church. The current appearance was given in 1670, during reconstruction after the fire. It was later destroyed at the end of the 18th century. Since 1854, it has been used for housing purposes. An old chapel may be found in the building.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

26-600 Chęciny
Широта и долгота: 50.8001984290501,20.4611992835999
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