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HomeТуристические достопримечательностиПамятникиFormer Greek Catholic Church of Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Stare Oleszyce

Former Greek Catholic Church of Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Stare Oleszyce


Тип блока:

The parochial was consecrated in 1689r. The present Church, the second in order, was built in 1787 by the efforts of the rural clusters.

That orthodox Church was repeatedly rebuilt. After the year 1947 the building was taken over to the State Treasury. The lack of proper care led to a deterioration of the technical equipment of the buildings and devastation of it. In 1971 by the efforts of the Bishop Jan Nowicki, Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Lubaczow, the temple regained the religious functions. Originally it served as a chapel, and since 1979 as the Roman Catholic parish Church. This led to a major overhaul connected with the reconstruction of the object (1978-1981). The Church, despite the substantial reconstruction, retained the elements of traditional wooden architecture of the orthodox Church – the trigeminal plan and dominant of the nave, covered with dome framework. The design and shape of the dome over the sanctuary, combined with the shelter and covered on top with the ridge roof, shows close similarities with the orthodox Church built around the same time in the near Borchow (1781)

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37-630 Stare Oleszyce
Широта и долгота: 50.1698,22.9948
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