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Fortress in Wrocław


Тип блока:

This is an elaborate system of defences which forms a ring of fortifications around Wroclaw. It was built at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

At the end of the 19th cenury plans were made to build modern fortifications for the City of Wroclaw. Work was started in 1890 on twelve proposed defensive points on the sites of infantry arsenals, ten field stations connected by underground bunkers, sniper trenches linked to strategic positions and the damming of two rivers.

In 2 years seven infantry shelters had been built which could be converted to fortresses in the event of mobilization. Also at this time a military carrier pigeon coop was set up (situated on Kepa Mieszczanska). Thus ended the first phase of the fortification of the city

In later years the Fortress of Wroclaw was further developed by other planned facilities. Currently there are over 150 fortified buildings in Wroclaw (not including the large number intended for the civilian population). Of that total, 70 percent form a ring with the rest scattered in different parts of the city. They are in various states of disrepair as they are used as storage facilities which does not protect against their destruction.

Fortress of Wroclaw (woj. Dolnoslaskie) www.twierdzawroclaw.w.interia.pl


localization-imgСхема проезда:

51-415 Wrocław
Широта и долгота: 51.1308267,17.0940181
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