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Franciscan monastery complex


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Situated between Kazimierzowska, Sukiennicza and Rzeźnicza street and St. Stanisław Square monastic church was founded by duke Bolesław Pobożny and his wife, duchess Jolanta.

St. Stanislaus Church has been existing in the 13 th c. Bolesław the Pious and his wife Jolanta were the founders. The three – aisled temple has a rectangle shape presbytery separated from the trunk, with a crossirbbed vault. There is a gothic sacristy near the northern wall of the presbytery, where in ca. 1632 a chapel was added. The aisle and presbytery vault has got a late Renaissance artificial marble decoration in the so-called Kalisz-Lublin`s style. The basilica was reconstructed into a hall church. Late – Renaissance stuccos in the aisles and a late – baroque main altar as well as a pulpit in the shape of Peter`s boat from 1862 are worth mentioning. It`s here where Jakub Świnka was consecrated the archbishop of Gniezno. The construction of the monastery took place in 1640-1680. From the end of the 18 th c. to the second half of the 19 th c. there was a prison, barracks and police station. From 1864 to 1902 the monastery had a function of a permanent monastery. The friars came back to the monastery in 1918.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Sukiennicza street 7
62-800 Kalisz
Широта и долгота: 51.761,18.0896
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