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Gas Museum and Historic Gas Streetlamps in Warsaw


Тип блока:

A collection of well-preserved gas appliances from the 19th century that were once used in contemporary households and a complex of historic industrial architecture

The buildings of the “Gasworks in Wola” are one of the best preserved industrial complexes of historical architecture from the late 19th and early 20th century. The museum is housed in the former compressor and pump building constructed in 1888 which was used to supply the compressed gas to users.

The museum exhibition is very diverse. Of particular value are the very well preserved, precision-made machinery and technological equipment, of impressive size. Inside the living area exhibit from the 19th century, gas equipment used in the home is displayed which include a gas refrigerator, a coal and gas oven, a gas iron, a bath with original heater and a coffee roasting machine. The museum also has historic documents which show the changes and progress in the gas industry.

In Warsaw modern gas lighting was installed on a permanent basis in 1856 and by the end of the 19th century there were already about 2000 such lamps. From some time, on certain streets, restored gas lights have been returning. There are close to 200 now in the Old Town and in the Garden City of Sadyba.

Gas Museum in Warsaw (woj. Mazowieckie)


localization-imgСхема проезда:

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA
Kasprzaka street 25
01224 Warszawa
провинция: MAZOWIECKIE
Широта и долгота: 52.2280601,20.9639914
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Польская Туристическая Организация
123001 Москва
ул. Трехпрудный пер.9, стр.2, офис 202
tel. +7 (495) 668-87-22