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Granaries and the Water Junction in Bydgoszcz


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The interiors of granaries, built at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, which are the most recognisable symbol of Bydgoszcz, are now home to some of the most famous art galleries and restaurants.

The Bydgoszcz Water Junction is regarded as the most valuable resource of Bydgoszcz as it is part of the international water highway, the E-70, linking eastern and western Europe. It combines the basins of the Rivers Brda and Vistula with the stream Flis and the Gornonotecki Canal. The main element is the Bydgoszcz Canal – planned in the 16th century and built between 1773 and 1774. Modernized on many occasions it forms a unique complex of efficient and culturally valuable system of waterways.

Apart from the Bydgoszcz Canal, the Bydgoszcz Water Junction links many canals and waterways, having about 100km of quays, with the local infrastructure and water technology systems. This whole complex was destroyed and only in recent years was included in revitalization programmes which included the rebuilding of wharves, local communication, cycle and puplic footpaths and buildings of architectural interest.

Under the programme „Restoring the River to the Town”, the „Lucznicka” Hall was built, the Centralny Park was redeveloped, boulevards constructed on Mlynska Island and the Granaries renovated which were once used for storing grain and now serve as a museum and a tourist centre.

Bydgoszcz Water Junction – Bydgoszcz (woj. Kujawsko-Pomorskie)


localization-imgСхема проезда:

Jezuicka street 1
85-102 Bydgoszcz
Широта и долгота: 53.1222245,17.9990004367448
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