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Greek catholic Church of St. Nicolas in Krzeczowice


Тип блока:

The first known information about the existence of the Church in Krzeczowice comes from 1397. The existence of parochial is confirmed indirectly by the documents from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries which has not been established at present the exact date of construction of the existing Church.

It is assumed that the year of building the temple was the year 1770 or 1793, and that the building was built as Roman Catholic Church. However, there is no direct information on the possible adaptation of Orthodox Church. One can only assume that this has been done while adjusting the parish deaneries in the diocese of Przemysl in the late 18th century.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

37-220 Krzeczowice
Широта и долгота: 49.9889,22.4641
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