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Grodziec Castle


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Grodziec Castle is the most interesting place on Pogórze Kaczawskie. The tournaments, meetings with ghosts, folklore and regional cuisine, the legend of the former inhabitants of the castle are just some of the attractions awaiting the visitors of the Castle.

The first confirmed record on Grodziec came from a bull of Pope Hadrian IV from 1155. For centuries the castle changed owners, and has been the target of numerous raids. It was only in 1800 when the owner of the goods became the Prince of Reich, Heinrich VI von Hochberg of Książ and the reconstruction work began. Already in the 30s of the nineteenth century, the castle became the target of a number of tourist trips. A thorough restoration began in 1900, when the owner was Baron Dr. Willibald von Dirksen. Later, the castle was given the Silesian Society of History and Ancient Times for the museum. Currently, the municipal authorities and Castlelan of the Castle are trying to restore its former glory.

An incredible tourist attraction is the castle itself, which, thanks to restoration work, is preserved in very good condition. But beyond the beauty of the noble walls, the Castle attracts tourists with numerous events. The tournament is held here at Silver Ring Knight Castlelan, Sitting Teams Borderland, Gold Antique Auto, Weddings and Sports struggles. The big attraction is the night in the castle tower and meeting with spirits and the variety of fauna and flora. All this gives the feeling as if the time has stopped here.


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Широта и долгота: 50.3500148,19.0724159
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