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Grodzisko in Gródek


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Grodzisko is situated where rivers Bug and Huczwa fork. It is one of the Czerwieński town (Gród).

Grodzisko (Wołyń town), is one of the oldest towns in Lubelski district. It dates back to the 8th cenury (however chronicles says about it from 990). It was part of of Czerwieński towns, as well as centre of Wołynianie tribe (from here a name Wołyń comes from). Wołyń town was situated at a route from Małopolska to Ruś (Kiev). The town was established at a hill, which was surrounded by bogs (near Huczawa). In 981 it was taken by Kiev's prince Włodzimierz and later in 1018 Bolesław Chrobry (Boleslaw I the Brave) captured the town. But after his death, Russian prince took Wołyń into his possession. In the 13th century the town was destroyed by Mongol people. It is also possible that Halicko-Włodzimierscy princes, who ruled Czerwieński towns, did destroy their own town on the order of Tatar leader.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

провинция: LUBELSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.7987,23.9485
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