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Group of chapels in Knorydy.


Тип блока:

Cemetery chapel from 1841, and the chapel with a miraculous spring.

On the highway to Lublin one can see a wooden chapel facing the meadow at a place from which the miraculous spring called "krynica" takes its source. It is a holy place of the Orthodox Church. According to legend, long ago a father with his blind son passed that way. When they stopped at a wet meadow, the Mother of God suddenly appeared. She was standing on a large stone. The blind tried to touch her shining garments. Then the figure disappeared. A trace of her bare feet remained on the stone, and just next to it spurt out the spring. After washing his face the blind regained sight. A small chapel was built on the site and to this day the stone with the footprint of the Mother of God lies next to it . Since then, the faithful began to worship the stone and built the Orthodox church on the site. Today the sacred stone is exposed on the concrete plinth made by the inhabitants of the village. This is the oval-shaped stone of about one meter in length and half a metre in height.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

17-111 Knorydy
провинция: PODLASKIE
Широта и долгота: 52.695444,23.121
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