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HomeТуристические достопримечательностиПамятникиHrubieszów – the rectory (the place of birth of Bolesław Prus)

Hrubieszów – the rectory (the place of birth of Bolesław Prus)

In Hrubieszów’s rectory one of the greatest Polish writers, Boleslaw Prus was born.

The rectory was built in 1746, rebuilt in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, kept in Baroque style, stone covered with a mansard roof. Here Aleksander Głowacki was born (1847 - 1912) - eminent writer and columnist known as Bolesław Prus, author of e.g. "Lalka", "Emancypantki", "Placówka" and "Anielka". On the wall of the rectory there is a plaque commemorating the writer. In the neighborhood there is a parish garden turned into a city park. In the park there is a monument of Boleslaw Prus.

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3 Maja street 6
провинция: LUBELSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.804939,23.890283
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