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Jewish Cemetery in Skwierzyna


Тип блока:

The Progressive/Reform Jewish cemetery in Skwierzyna was established in the beginning of the 18th century. It belongs to the biggest ones in Lubuskie region.

The cemetery of a size of 2,2 ha has 247 grave stones and is situated on a small hill. The oldest one is dated 1736. It has the marble or sandstone rough/boulder tombstones, flat-shaped stones, flat-shaped stones with carved relief decoration, double tombstones, and finely smoothed and inscribed stones have Hebrew and/or German inscriptions. Between the I and II World Wars about 200 Jews lived here, while in 1936 (Hitler and Nazi Germany) - only 44. The cemetery has not been devastated during the last world war. In the 60s of 20th century some of the gravestones were taken as construction material to Poznan and Szczecin.

In 2002 the cemetery was rennovated. The fallen gravestones have been put into their place and the broken ones have created the gravestones' gallery.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

66-440 Skwierzyna
провинция: LUBUSKIE
Широта и долгота: 52.593,15.5016
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