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Lighthouse in Darlowo


Тип блока:

With a height of 22m, the lighthouse tower was built on a rectangular base in 1885.

The first mention of the Darlowo Lighthouse is from 1715 when the city council ordered lights to be installed on both sides of the mouth of the River Wieprz. These remained for many years, until in 1885 a harbour pilot station was built at the base of the eastern breakwater with an adjacent square tower. On this tower was mounted a red light which had a range of about 6 nautical miles. Further redevelopment occurred in 1927 when an extra floor was added to the tower for a metal framed lantern room housing an optic with a prism assembled from 13 segments. A twin light source was installed with a changer, each bulb having a power output of 1000 watts. Since that time the external appearance of the building has only changed cosmetically. Only during the modernisation in 1996 was the light source changed for 100 watt halogen bulbs in a six-bulb changer. Today the tower is 22m tall and the range of the light showing the way to port is nearly 30m. The lighthouse is open to the public and can be reached by crossing the River Wieprz with a unique drawbridge.

Lighthouse in Darlowo (woj. Zachodniopomorskie)


localization-imgСхема проезда:

Wschodnia street 14
76-150 Darłowo
Широта и долгота: 54.4399367,16.3790656
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