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Miejski Dom Kultury

Miejski Dom Kultury is a monumental secession building from 1898-1902

The building of the present Miejski Dom Kultury (Town Centre of Culture) in Zgorzelec was created in 1898-1902. Putting up the “Upper-Lusatian Pantheon” was a form of tribute paid to the memory of the first Emperor of the united Germany, Wilhelm I, and his son, Frederick III. The building was designed by Hugo Behr, known mainly as the constructor of the Reichstag in Berlin. The grand opening The Upper-Lusatian Hall of Glory (as the building used to be called) was performed by the Emperor Wilhelm II on 28 November 1902. It is a central building combining the character of an antique edifice with a monument. The copula, 42m in height, which is surmounted with the crown imperial, covers from the outside the main part of the building – the proper Hall of Glory. The height in the inside measurement amounts in about 21m, its level view is a square with a side of about 19m. In the glass-painted emperor’s niche there is an image of the rising sun with gold beams. The marble flight of stairs leading to the emperor’s niche has wide sandstone balustrades on both sides, additionally adorned with reliefs of the emperors’ favourite flowers – corn-flowers and violets. Upstairs, above the door, there are ornaments partially of sandstone: crown imperial in the form of a cartouche and “the fantasy and the secret truth of art”.

Now in building are the art exhibitions.

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Parkowa street 1
59-900 Zgorzelec
Широта и долгота: 51.245253,15.004183
факс+48 757756059
Система мгновенных сообщенийGaduGadu:4946863
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