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Monumental wooden church of St.Valentine in Dobrodzień


Тип блока:

Monumental wooden church of St.Valentine is still possible to visit despite the great fire of the town in 1846.

Monumental wooden church of St.Valentine from the beginning of XVII century in Dobrodzień. Built in 1630 after tragic experiences of XXX-year War and the great fire that destroyed Dobrodzień in 1625. It survived the great fire of town in 1846, that destroyed almost whole town apart from some buildings in the suburbs. In 1644, Adam Wilhelm Dobrodzieński endowed an altar for the church of St.Valentine.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

46-380 Dobrodzień
провинция: OPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.7287,18.445
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