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Old Lwowska Gate


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The structure of three main gates in Zamość was bound with marking the course of the fortification out around a city and beginning in 1584 of building earth embankments. In the first phase urban gates situated in earth pillocks were probably modest. With time impressive buildings were made bramne. Apart from military functions they performed also a public role. Orders were being put on them (uniwersały) of the entailer or the city council. Inscriptions in finials emphasized the defensive function of the gate and they stressed also a patriotic conduct of the founder. The old Lvov Gate was raised in the mannerist style after 1597 (in 1599 an agreement was probably drawn up to the building site) according to proj. B. Moranda. As the main gate of the city she was supposed to be at first more impressive than remaining, that is trójprzelotowa, with side zebra crossings. After all they carried out jednoprzelotową, very similar to the Lublin Gate (Old).

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Łukasińskiego street 1
22-400 Zamość
провинция: LUBELSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.7231,23.252
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