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HomeТуристические достопримечательностиПамятникиOur Lady's Assumption and St. Archangel Michael's Basilica in Trzemeszno

Our Lady's Assumption and St. Archangel Michael's Basilica in Trzemeszno


Тип блока:

Our Lady's Assumption and St. Archangel Micheal's Basilica in Trzemeszno was burnt in 1945 and rebuilt in 1960. Today it is baroque basilica with nave and two aisles. It's situated on a plan of Latin cross and it has a impressive dome.

The basilica is follow ed the St. Peter's Basilica's in Rome example. On vault there are polychromies, which were pianted by Franciszek Smuglewicz. In the main altar tere is a copy of a pictuer painted by Smuglewicz - Our Lady's Assumption. The basilica is a pearl of baroque in Wielkopolska.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Plac Kosmowskiego place 8
62-240 Trzemeszno
Широта и долгота: 52.5592,17.8181
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