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Parish Church in Dębowiec


Тип блока:

The first record of the existence of the Church and the parish in Dębowiec belonging at that time to the Cracow Diocese is originating from the year 1328, by Jan Dlugosz, and it was mentioned at the occasion of paying the Peter’s pence.

The present-day Church building is already the fourth such church in this particular venue - previous ones were destroyed by fires. The construction of the present begun in 1824, after the fire, and lasted until 1857, the Church was consecrated by Bishop Franciszek Wierzchlejski, the Bishop of Przemysl.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Dębowiec 177
38-220 Dębowiec
Широта и долгота: 50.2845,17.5341
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