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Penitential Crosses in Wierzbna near Swidnica


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These are five 19th century penitential crosses which it used to be a tradition to place at the scene of a crime. More than 700 similar crosses and shrines of penance have been inventoried throughout Poland.

The Penitential Crosses (later chapels) were usually placed at the scenes of crimes rather than on the graves of victims. They stood, most often, in isolated places, next to roads and in fields but sometimes also in easily visible locations as a warning to others. In Poland the largest number of these crosses can be found in Lower and Upper Silesia, in the Lubusz Region and in certain areas around Szczecin and in Wielkopolska.

Throughout the whole country around 700 penitential crosses and chapels have been inventoried of which many are in the Swidnica region. A collection of five stone crosses can be found in a park in Wierzbna – probably dating back from the 19th century. Formerly scattered in fields, many were gathered together and placed by the roadside near the church. Later they were moved to their current location where they were lined up along a 10m section of road.

District Office in Olawa (woj. Dolnoslaskie)


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Широта и долгота: 53.8470142,22.9803814
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