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Sacral complex from the eighteenth century in Ratów


Тип блока:

Church of St. Anthony Padewski in Ratów along with the rooms and Church area itself was built in 1735-1761.

At the beginning it was the headquarters of the Order of the Bernardine and since 1925 the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family. Today - Diocesan Retreat and Formation Center.
The complex of former monastery includes the Church and monastery premises, wooden belfry from the eighteenth century, vicarage and a walled monatesry area. The monastery founder –Blessed Bolesława Lament stayed there. Actually there are stored her relics.
Church has one nave –in Rococo style. On the main altar there is placed St. Antoni from Padwa and in the side altar – crowned image of the Madonna and the Child.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Ratowo Klasztor 58
06-540 Ratowo
провинция: MAZOWIECKIE
Широта и долгота: 52.9554,20.0837
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