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St. Anthony branch parish Church


Тип блока:

This Gothic branch Church in Łosiów dates back to the 13th century. Originally it was St. Lawrence Church. The current tower dates back to 1688.

In 1958, during subsequent repairs, it was discovered by accident that medieval wall paintings were hidden on the walls under the plaster.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

49-330 Strzelniki
провинция: OPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.8058547974,17.5419082642
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Наш адрес

Польская Туристическая Организация
123001 Москва
ул. Трехпрудный пер.9, стр.2, офис 202
tel. +7 (495) 668-87-22