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St Bartholomeo the Apostle church


Тип блока:

St Bartholomeo the Apostle parish church from the first half of the 16th century, carcass construction; timbered; fittings mainly from the 17-18th centuries.

A baroque tower (originally detached) with an apparent ice-apron and slope walls, of pole-frame construction. It is finished with a dome cupola with a lantern. Gothic rafter framing. Over the nave and presbytery there is a steep multi-slope roof with a turret having the same shape as tower cupola. There is figural ornamented polychromy on the inner walls. A rood arch beam from 18th century is curved with ornametns. Fittings: a late gothic main altar with paintings of Christ (17th c.), Transfiguration (18-19th c.) and Lamentation of Christ (18th c.), side altars from 18th c. with paintings from 17-20th c., a renaissance-baroque font, a late baroque pulpit, numerous paintings, sculptures and chasubles from 17-19th c.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Jastrzębia 2
33-191 Jastrzębia
провинция: MAŁOPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 49.801694,20.867278
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