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St Jacob's Church


Тип блока:

The church witch conceals many mysteries is still underestiamted monument of Torun Old Town. The splendid, unusual precious monuments of the interior are the works from the unexisting already Torun churches.

The St.Jacob's church belongs to the biggest et the mot beautiful gothic polish temples. It was built in the 1309-1340 and served to the parish of the New City and it was also the castle church (Order of Teutonic Knights). This church differs from other Torun gothic temples by its basilican order (side aisles are lower than the central nave). This temple has many ornamented elements. The tower is 49 meters high, and its characteristic doubled roof comes from the second half of the XVth century.

In the interior of the church there are precious Middle Ages wall paintings. The rich church equipment gets the attention by so-called "Mystic Cross" -The allegory Life Tree (sculpture) and the painting Christ's Passion from XVth century.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Nowomiejski market 6
87-100 Toruń
Широта и долгота: 53.0114533,18.6106156
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