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St Martin's Church


Тип блока:

The Late Gothic form was brought back to St Martin’s Church at Święty Marcin St during the post-war reconstruction. [Anna Plenzler; Historic monuments in Poznan; Poznan 2007]

The Late Gothic form was brought back to St Martin’s Church at Święty Marcin St during the post-war reconstruction. The first shrine had definitely been here prior to the incorporation of Poznan, though it is not certain when exactly. The brick structure was erected probably as early as in the 14th century. Over the centuries, it underwent numerous extensions and reconstructions – in the 16th century, the three-nave basilica base was built. The original interior furnishings have not been preserved to date. The damage of World War II affected not just the walls, but also the interior – hence today it contains a Gothic altar brought here from Lower Silesia after the war. [Anna Plenzler; Historic monuments in Poznan; Poznan 2007]

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Św. Marcin street 13
61-803 Poznań
Широта и долгота: 52.4055,16.9286
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