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St St John's Cathedral


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The Torun Cathedral from XIIIth century is a monument of city splendor and works of art treasures. There is also The biggest Middle Ages bell in Poland, one hand Rafter Clock and Nicolas Copernic's baptismal font - every tourist has to see it.

The Torun Cathedral of St John the Baptist and St John Evangelist is the oldest gothic temple on the land of Chelmno and one of three biggest temples in the Northern Poland. The construction of a parish church began in 1236 by a new chancel  and then the main body of a church. The church with the three naves was lower and more narow than at present. It can be seen in the interior of the modern temple.

During the XIVth and XVth century in the interior the lenght of the church was enlarged of 56 metres and the height of over 27 metres. In 1406 the first tower collapsed, so the new one 52 metres high was built. Today it has  a hudge bell of 1500. "Tuba Dei" that is "God's Trumpet" (7238 kg, 2,76 m high, 2,17 m diameter). It is the biggest Middle Ages  bell in Poland. On the tower - Vistula side, there is also one hand rafter clock ("Digitus Dei" - "God's finger").

In the Lutheran period the church served to the infidels who whitewashed the interior of the temple and covered this way wall paintings. The interior decor dates mainly of  Baroque period. In the church there is also a Nicolas Copernic's baptismal font. In 1999 the church was visited by The Holy Father John Paul II.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Żeglarska street 16
87-100 Toruń
Широта и долгота: 53.0090779,18.6058572
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