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Station and Roundhouse in Skierniewice


Тип блока:

An original railway station and a unique collection of historic rolling stock

History of the roundhouse in Skierniewice began in 1845, when the first section of the Warsaw to Vienna line was opened. The locomotive depot was located opposite the then platforms of the so called Tsar’s Station. In 1991 the locomotive depot, after 146 years of operation, was closed and the Association of Railway Enthusiasts took up the task of looking after the historic rolling stock.

The accumulated collection of the Skierniewice Roundhouse totals over 100 items which represents a cross-section of the European-built rolling stock (steam engines, locomotives, passenger carriages and freight wagons) from the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. Some of the rolling stock is still technically sound but most requires restoration. Among them are many unique examples of European rail travel.

In Skierniewice there were two stations in close proximity to one another. The older one, known as the Tsar’s Station was located in the park. It was built in 1845 by Adam Idzikowski in a Moorish style but burnt down in January 1945. The new station was built in a neo-Gothic style close to the first one and was put into service in 1875.


Roundhouse in Skierniewice (woj. Lodzkie)




localization-imgСхема проезда:

Łowicka street 1
провинция: ŁÓDZKIE
Широта и долгота: 51.9668484,20.142012
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