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Statue of the Good Soldier Schweik

Statue cast in bronze shows life-size soldier Schweik, sitting on a bench and smoking a pipe on the main street of the city.

Soldier Schweik is known from an anti-war novel by Czech writer Jaroslav Hašek: "The Fateful Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik during the World War". In the novel, the protagonist's name is Joseph Schweik, the vendor of dogs and shoe cleaner of Lieutenant Luke. It is interesting that the book is based on facts and experiences of the author and his friends.

The popularity of the book and the colourful figure of Joseph Schweik resulted in an international cycling and walking trail called "Traces of the Good Soldier Schweik". The trail leads from the Czech Republic, through Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Ukraine, following the places described by the author in the pages of the novel.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Deptak 3 Maja
38-500 Sanok
Широта и долгота: 49.5550187,22.2060658
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