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Szpikołosy – The Greek Catholic, Ortodox Church


Тип блока:

The Temple in Szpiokołosy in its history, was the Greek catholic Church, the orthodox Church as well as a Catholic Church.

Fformer Greek Catholic Church of the Nativity of Jesus, the Lord, now Parish Church of the Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of Grace.

The wooden, carcass construction, timbered. There are three parts: a rectangular sanctuary, closed on three sides, wider, square rectangular nave and chancel of equal width with the women's gallery. The choir from the north quadrangle vesrty. Above the nave there is an eight parts dome with an octagonal lantern supported by tambour. Inside the Church there are three altars of classical characteristics of the nineteenth century, on the main altar : a painting of Our Lady of Grace and on the curtain the picture of the Lord transformation (1920), a scene of the Last Supper in the frontal, from that same period, and in the lateral altars - the images of St. Joseph and St. Nicholas.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

22-500 Szpikołosy
провинция: LUBELSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.8672,23.9267
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