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Tartar Muslim Cemetery (Muzułmański Cmentarz Tatarski)


Тип блока:

The Muslim Cemetery, located in the Wola district next to the Roman Catholic Powązki Cemetery. Initially Muslim soldiers serving in the Russian military were buried here, however, the bulk of those laid at the cemetery are Polish Tartars.

The Muslim Cemetery, located in the Wola district next to the Roman Catholic Powązki Cemetery, was established in 1867 after there was no longer any burial place in the already-established Muslim cemetery on Młynarska Street.
Initially Muslim soldiers serving in the Russian military were buried here, however, the bulk of those laid at the cemetery are Polish Tartars from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, mainly merchants and craftsmen – that’s why it was called the tartar cemetery. Until World War I, and even in the inter-war period, it served as a military cemetery, as most of the Muslims in central Poland served in the Tsarist Army. The cemetery suffered damage during World War II. Among the tombstones and gravestones that survived are: the gravestone of Aleksander Achmatowicz (lawyer and Polish senator in 1928-1930), Osman Achmatowicz (a professor at the University of Warsaw), Bekier Eksanov (imam of the Warsaw Muslim community) and Jerzy Edigey (lawyer and Polish writer).

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Tatarska 8
провинция: MAZOWIECKIE
Широта и долгота: 52.252867,20.965125
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