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The church in Kalinówka


Тип блока:

Beginning of the village reached XIV century and it was Radziwiłł's propety.

The present paris church in Kalinówka Kościelna was founded by the Mikołaj Radziwiłł. The church and paris were equipped by the king Zygmunt August. The present church was built in 1774 and conserved in 1777 by the priest Adam Świerzbiński. This on the monument was built on the throw of rectangle, three-nave, covered with the shingle, with baroque turrets altars and the interior equipping come from XVIII and XIX century. In 1915 a German aviator trried to drop bomb on the church. Fortunately the bomb fell outsied and it didn't cause art object cause any damage. This marvellous sacred art object has survived also the Second World War, and today is one of a few wooden ojects enriching our cultural heritage.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Kalinówka Kościelna 39
19-120 Kalinówka Kościelna
провинция: PODLASKIE
Широта и долгота: 53.3867,22.9283
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